It's Happening!!!! My Book is Happening!!!

I am so excited to announce that my debut novel, The Build Up, was secured for publication by Carina Press. This has been a long time coming. I started writing this way back in 2019. It was an absolute wreck. But with mentorship via IRP (Inclusive Romance Project), joining Wordmakers (started by author Tasha L Harrison), my awesome critique partners, and a whole lot of work. I pitched this during the 2020 #DVPIT event and I got a lot of interest (and a lot of rejections). But all it takes is ONE yes, in the midst of a ton of “no’s”.

Thanks to Kate Marope, former acquisitions editor with Carina Press who saw something in my manuscript. And after requesting a revise and resubmit, passed it up the chain to the good folks at Carina Press, the adult fiction, digital first imprint of Harlequin. I cannot believe my first book is about to be a Harlequin book! Wild!!

I told myself despite what happens, in 2022 I was going to make something happen. The vow I made at 40 to go for my dreams is really happening.

2023 is about to be a wild ride. I can’t wait to tell bring you all the story of two messy, love-struck coworkers who fall for each other, even though they shouldn’t. I can’t wait to center unapologetically Black folks and telling a Black romance that also centers plus-sized representation.

I am so excited to start. Let’s get it!